What would you say if someone told you that flowers could help you work with guilt$%: Or that flowers could help you make choices, help overcome living in the past, or help with an inability to say "no"$%: Some believe that flowers can help with these and many other issues through the use of flower essences.
Flower essences are liquid substances that have been imprinted with energy patterns from specific flowers. They are similar to homeopathic remedies, except that making them does not involve repeated dilutions of particular substances, as do homeopathic remedies. Also, flower essence work primarily with mental or emotional concerns, unlike homeopathic remedies which may work with both physical and mental/emotional issues.
Flower essences first became widely known when Dr. Edward Bach introduced his flower remedies in England in the 1930's. Dr. Bach, who had received a Diploma of Public Health from Cambridge, eventually began looking to alternative medicine for healing approaches, and worked for a while at the London Homeopathic Hospital. Eventually he found 38 flower remedies, as well as the Rescue Remedy, which dealt primarily with emotional and mental issues.
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The original 38 flower essences and their suggested use include beech, which is said to help with intolerance; elm, which may help those overwhelmed with responsibility; holly, which works with hatred; pine, for guilt; and wild rose, for apathy. The most well-known of his remedies is probably the Rescue Remedy, known for helping with trauma and upset.
There are now dozens of other manufactures of flower essences, which work with hundreds of varieties of flowers from around the planet. The Flower Essence Society is an organization in America which focuses on educating the public about the many ways flower essences might help people deal with emotional and mental issues.
Flower essence therapy is one of the many varied approaches within the field of alternative medicine and holistic care These distillations of nature's flowers offer many interesting opportunities for exploring our emotions, our behaviors, and our attitudes.
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